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Organic - certified Organic by an internationally recognised certifying body.


BG-BIO-O2 - This means respecting the principles, rules and requirements of organic farming.


Vegetarian - contains no meat or fish


Vegan - contains no animal products.

Certified Gluten-Free

Certified Gluten-Free - Certified Gluten-Free at less than 10ppm.


Lactose-Free - Contains no lactose.

Wild Growth

Wild Growth - Grown naturally without being planted or cared for by humans.

Halal Certified

Halal Certified - The product is permissible or acceptable in accordance with Islamic law.

GMO Free

GMO Free - .

Kosher Certified

Kosher Certified - The product checked the products ingredients, production facility and actual production to ensure all ingredients, derivatives, tools and machinery have no trace of non-kosher substances.

Laboratory Tested

Laboratory Tested - Verifying that personnel have adequate credentials to practise certain disciplines.

Demeter Award

Demeter Award - Women in Agribusiness Demeter Award of Excellence. The award recognizes those who have achieved excellence in their field or demonstrated an extraordinary contribution to the agribusiness industry.

British Great Taste Award-winner

British Great Taste Award-winner -The awards are given in an annual contest open to food and beverage companies that are producing exceptional products.


MSG-Free - This claim means that the manufacturer has not added MSG into the food.

Laboratory Tested

Lactose-Free - Contains no lactose.

How to pick the perfect phone case

Choosing the right phone case is crucial to the safety of your Phone.  Phones are expensive gadgets, so you must protect your investment. There are a wide variety of phone cases out there, so choosing the best may pose a challenge. In Hardiston.com you will find all genuine leather phone cases for every taste. The first thing you need to know is that phone cases are designed for different reasons. Some are restricted to aesthetic purposes; some are for protection while others are meant to provide grip.

1. Evaluate your needs

The first thing to do when picking out a phone case is to analyze your needs. You can do this by answering the following questions:

  • What is the make of my phone?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of this brand?
  • How fragile is my phone?
  • How long is this phone expected to last with proper care?
  • Am I seeking to protect or beautify my phone?
  • How often do I drop things?
  • How well did I handle my previous phones?
  • How long is it going to last?
  • Is it too heavy?

Know the type of phone you are using and whether it needs to have a phone case. Some mobile devices are capable of withstanding and resisting break and water percolation factors. You could spend that extra bucks on something else.

Some users can stand the sight of their phones without a pouch, case, or cover. They want to be cautious and be better safe than never. By also determining the fragility of your device, you will be able to know what case is best qualified to protect and serve your phone for as long as possible.

2. Research on different types of phone cases

Next, look at all possible options of phone cases in the market. Compare their properties/features with the answers you got from the previous section; this will help you determine the case that perfectly or firmly suits your requirements.

Many phone cases in the market are made from fabric, leather, rubber, plastic, and metal, while some are made to protect your phone underwater for as long as you like. This heavily depends on your taste as well as your budget.

Screen protection, temperature, weight, durability are some of the things a real phone case lover would like to take into consideration before buying one. With all the descriptions and features given in most websites, a user can carefully settle down and digest before making the decisions that he will not come to regret.

3. Consider Cost

Before invading all the eCommerce websites and hunting down your favorite phone case, you should have in mind, a specified budget that will make your plans more tidy and precise.

It is essential to reconcile your needs with your pocket. While searching for the most suitable case for your phone, you need to consider your budget. The price of your phone case should also be reasonably aligned with the cost and quality of your phone. You do not want to buy a case that outshines or downplay your phone. And you do not want your phone to in downplaying your case either. 

A good case that has all the needed quality and design to satisfy a user is worth the money you pay for. Some smartphone users are capable of affording over $100 phone cases, while some can do with phone cases that worth more than $1000. It will be very unwise to buy a phone case you cannot afford than to not use one at all.

4. Check for Quality

Lastly, you should try to examine the case for signs of wear and tear. Sometimes a good observation is all you need to determine how durable a product will last. This is paramount in making the right choice for you.

Every item you purchase should be worth every single penny when it comes to delivering the needed service it is required of. Determine the materials used in making the iPhone case, as this will give you a more apparent oversight of what you are about to purchase.

It should also match your taste while offering the quality and durability needed to keep your phone safe from damages that will cost you some extra bucks and in some cases, permanent change.

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